So I am back from the camp of drama (which was
so amazing:))and I decided to do the blog 30 day challenge. So here is day 1.
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
That is me on the right, with my friends Andy and Rach, in the intermission of WEST SIDE STORY (so good!).
1. I sleep-walk very badly, to a point where I have ran out of the house and down the street, Dad chasing after me and tackling me to the ground.
2. I have a phobia of sleep-walkers, yeah I know, ironic.
3. I have a large, skinny cappuccino with one sugar every morning, the owners of the shop calling me their 'baby'
4. I am obsessed with Muse (nothing new, I know)'
5. I had white-blonde hair until I was 7
6. My favourite song in the entire world is 'Hide and Seek' by Imogen Heap...
7. I have a thing for Tony from Skins
8. I rate peoples' outfits silently in my head on the station every morning.
9. I have really, really weird dreams..
10. I have a 'Bran Nue Day' poster in my room so I can laugh at it.
11. I
love reading the Daily Telegraph. Disgraceful habit.
12. I don't know what I want to do when I leave school, but I want to make heaps of money fast, retire young, and have cute kids.
13. I am the evil twin
14. I tend to do the whole 'buy now pay later' scheme. Not a good habit.
15. I wouldn't rather be anything other than a drama kid.