The Family Surfing Trip wasn't so bad after all. Despite me getting sunburnt to the point where I couldn't move properly (and still am struggling..Mum thinks it is a 2nd degree burn), and getting stung by a blue-bottle, IT WAS AWESOME! A getaway from the cold and depressing Sydney was just what I needed both physically and mentally. It was so nice just to lie on the beach (Hyams Beach being one of those beaches, which, may I add, has the whitest sands in the entire's in the Guinness Book of World Records...check it. I dare you). I also had the chance to buy bags of stuff-new denim shorts (the style I have been looking for), books (from a cheap, little, second-hand book store in Mogo), fudge, headbands/bracelets/bangles, and new sunnies. And I only had to pay for the fudge. Aaahh the joys of parents' wallets.
So here I am, pink as a flamingo on fire, and have just finished meditating (something I have started these holidays). I now stretch every morning and night, have signed up for yoga, and I take a bath twice a week (whilst reading/eating dark chocolate if avaliable). I also write in my diary (just wrote 8 pages...hopefully I'll actually continue writing unlike numerous previous attempts), read ALOT (I read 7 books while I was away) and have started TO EAT HEALTHILY (with the exception of coffee....but that's a drink so it doesn't count). Our family bought an APPLE SLICER (GET ONE, I CAN GUARANTEE IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER), which you place on top of your apple, press down, and TA-DA *insert applause and trumpets* your apple is now in perfect slices, with the core taken out. Pure.Magic.
There you have it folks, The Family Surfing Trip, summarized in two paragraphs. COMING UP ON CHLOE'S AGENDA: The Social Cruise (I'm wearing a vintage-style black dress with red heels), and SCHOOL. I still can't decide whether I am excited or scared about returning for year 12- I guess it's abit of both. It honestly feels like yesterday when I began year 7, yet it's amazing how much times have changed since then. It makes me wonder where I'll be in 5 years, hopefully completing a law degree and being able to speak Spanish fluently...a girl can dream, right?
Bye. Ta Ta. Laters. Go outside and ENJOY DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!
P.S. Do this. It changes your perspectives on things.