1. During the car trip down to Broulee, me and my brother created a game to play on long car trips called 'mullet'. Basically if you see a 'lad' car, you yell out 'mullet'. Here is the point system.
1 point= P-Plate
2 points= Thumping loud music
3 points= There is more than one lad inhabiting the car
4 points= The car is fluro
5 points= The car is damaged, i.e Large scratch, dent, etc.
10 points= The car illegally overtakes you, and gives you the finger whilst doing so
50 points= The car is being chased by the police
2. While in Broulee, we drove to a nearby country town, which had lots and lots of little vintage shops. Mum, my sister and I had a coffee in a little old bank-turned-cafe, and then went to check out the shops, where I FOUND MY SOCIAL DRESS (my year 11 formal dress). Its very 1950's- black lace and all, and I fell in love with is and got it. Yay me.
3. We visited my great-aunt, Aunty Vi, who is living in a retirement village near Batemen's Bay. She is 92, and I must admit I thought the visit would be boring, but by the time I walked out I was so emotional! Her husband was one of the Rats Of Tobruk, and when he came home from the war, he was never the same, and was really mentally disturbed. Aunty Vi got out his old war medals and told me how she burnt all the letters he sent her from the war so noone could ever read them.
4. I watched the movie 'Julie and Julia' and I LOVED IT. Very inspiring, especially as a blog-owner. It also has inspired my to cook, which leads on to my next dot-point.
5. I cooked these holidays! If you know me well you would understand that this is a big accomplishment. I cooked Chilli Con Carne (which turned out really, really spicy), and a banana split for desert. For easy cooking, my mum bought this amazing book by Donna Hay called 'Seasons', which you have to get.

6. I love this Russian Vogue cover

7. I also fell in love with this photo called 'War Torn'

When I was watching the news, this came on and it was so cute I nearly fell off the lounge.
9. Here is me feeding a Giraffe in Dubbo. Their tongues are a tad gross.