Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have the sniffles.

I must admit I felt very, very sorry for the poor old lady who was unfortunate enough to have to sit next to me on the train trip to regional athletics. Every 10 seconds I would do a disgusting *SNNIIFFF*, followed by a momentous blow into a worn-out, tearing tissue. I even gave myself a headache.

For now I am trying to finish my essay for Modern History on Anne Frank and her legacy. Five pages so far...yeah I'm cool like that. Now I just have to begin the treacherous journey of cutting it down to 1200 words....

P.S. the September issue of Vogue Australia is AH-mazing. Catherine McNeil (the cover girl) = massive babe. Great issue, I usually don't like the auzzie Vogue, but seriously, go and buy it. GO! NOW! Jokes, jokes, calm your farm. Now i'm just waiting for the American one so I can waste even more of my already limited financial resources....

P.P.S. Pad-Thai for dinner; sucked in to you.

Day 07

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
This was actually a really difficult question, and it took me a while to think of something. Harry Potter, Mum and Dad, coffee, shoes, Tiffany and Co and Muse were options (yeah, I know, a tad superficial)...but I think the 'someone' which has had the greatest impact on me and how I see my life/the world is Kakooza Godfrey, my family's sponser child from Uganda. I can't post a photo of him (no photos of him on the computer), but all you need to know is that he is my age, living in completely different circumstances, and that he taught me to not take things for granted. It's been so good writing back and forth, knowing that through our monthly donations we are ensuring him a positive future :)