After the epidode came to an end, I trodded upstairs to my room and fell asleep thinking about the glorious fact that I could sleep in until 11 am in the morning if I wished, AS SCHOOL IS OUT! I awoke at 6.00 am. Joy.
My first day of holidays was spent finishing The Great Gatsby (which was great; can't wait to study it in English next term), and reading around 50 pages of Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, which has inspired me for my Extension 2 English major work, where I am going to write an essay on Political Literature/Propoganda (such as Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto). Don't know what specific area yet, but I know for sure I'll do it in that area, and maybe tie it in with my previous idea of studying the death/deconstruction of public language. The rest of the day was spent sleeping on the trampoline. How truly splendid. In exactly 58 minutes I will leave to pick my little brother up from school and meet my mother at Edmunds and Greer.
I have made the life-changing decision that I want to wear a headband like the ones in the photographs below to the Semi-Formal next week, as the theme is 'Casino Royale'. I think I saw one at General Pants for around $20 so I'll check it out tomozza.

P.S. Do you like the photo behind 'Flower Girl'? I do. Me likey.
P.P.S. Doesn't the picture below look like it's Never Land from Peter Pan? I'm going to live there one day. On a boat. Everyday I'll sing IM ON A BOAT, IM ON A BOAT

P.P.P.S SMOKING IS NOT SEXY.....with the exception of this photo and this photo only