1. My eye infection disappeared
2. MUM GOT THE NEW IPHONE AND GAVE ME HER OLD ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now part of the iPhone crew. No more plastic phones for me.
3. I read the Harry Potter 7 Part 2 reviews that have been surfacing on the internet and it is safe to say that the movie sounds amazing. Oh, and Emma Watson looked AMAZING at the premiere!
4. I'm about 98.76% sure Dad bought me Chanel Chance while he was in Prague..BEST PERFUME EVERR. HNRUONWFUIOSDHKFNSDKG.
5. Matt got disqualified from Masterchef, and I nearly cried tears of joy. I have this conspiracy theory that he is actually a Death Eater (DOES HE LOOK LIKE ONE OR WHAT. I swear that amongst his revolting tattoos he has the Dark Mark). However, I WAS SO ANGRY THAT PETER WENT HOME WHEN PEOPLE LIKE SUN AND ELLIE ARE STILL IN THE DAMN COMPETITION. HESFOUFHSDUOFHSDFSD. Even though Peter is gay/middle-aged I have this emotional connection to him! Seriously! Whenever the judges are mean to him I want to give him a cuddle. So imagine my reaction when he left. But it was all ok in the end, because he seemed really motivated and optimistic towards achieving his dream. Naaaaww.
So yeah, yesterday was pretty sweet. Today is not.
I woke up with a mother of an eye infection IN MY OTHER DAMN EYE. MORE PROOF THAT KARMA HATES ME. It's so bad that I can't even do any work. Poo.