Day 05: A picture of a place you have been to.

The markets on the America/Mexico border. One day in America Dad said we were going on a mystery drive...and we ended up going to Mexico. We weren't there for very long, but I was there long enough to see the severe poverty in the area; it was really sad. Tall boards surrounded the dirty streets with hundreds of photographs of adorable children, with the huge sign MISSING plastered at the top. I bought a little 'flip-flop' key-ring from a poor lady for $1, and it is still amongst my keys today.
P.S. Every since drama camp the weather has been really gloomy....even though I have a sore throat, rain is the perfect excuse for a hot cappacino, to drink and dunk chocolate macaroons in..

P.P.S. I thought this would make you laugh..

P.P.P.S I wish I was there right now....