Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 2/30

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years
I'm going to interpret this as not just in terms of location but life in general.
10 years from now I will be turning 27 in less than a month. Ideally, by that age, I would like to be in a long term relationship (not married), no kids (I'll have two at the most once my career is steady...if it ever is......), and be  living in an apartment overseas. It's not that I hate Australia and want to leave as soon as I can, it's just that I want to see the world while I'm young and gain independence. Job-wise, I would hope that by then I would have a full time job as a solicitor....and succeeding....that would be nice....due to my career aim being to be partner at a firm by the age of 30 (once I'm a partner I'll consider kids....even though babies gross me out a little). I know it sounds a tad Utopian but anything is possible if you put your mind to it...except stapling jelly to a tree.
And becoming a guy. But even that's possible nowadays.

I'm never getting married. If I ever do, you can print out this post and shove it in my face, laughing. But seriously. You're probably thinking that I'm just trying to be unorthodox, but it's just that when you're not married and you're with someone, you are together because you both genuinely want to be together, not because some marriage certificate has bound you together and divorce is such a hassle. You don't need a marriage certificate to be in love......sounds cheesy but it's totally legit. A Tiffany and Co engagement would look nice on my finger....I'd agree to being engaged forever? I wouldn't mind that.

I am now off to the train station to catch a train to Wollongong. Hopefully I will finish If On A Winters Night A Traveller. If I don't, then I'm going to cry and throw a tantrum like my little brother when he isn't allowed to go fishing. Seriously. It's TAKEN ME SO LONG. NJFKDSNFJKDSNF.
Tomorrow I'm going to go all deep and meaningful on you. Be prepared. 

Day 1/30

DAY 01: Your current relationship; if single discuss how single life is:
I answered this question in the last 30 Day Challenge...but if you're really that interested:
 My current relationship is with.......
My 4U English major work, Frankie.
We're really happy together, and I know it's going to be long-term which is what I was looking for. We've become really tight over these holidays, and he's great to snuggle up to when I'm feeling lost about life and need a release. We've had our ups and downs but I know this is going to last.
I'm kind of confused at the moment if you haven't noticed...

Today was not of the good sort. Want to know why? Please see below!
  • I walked through the biggest spiderweb in the history of life whilst walking my dogs
  • I got locked outside and fell asleep on the trampoline resulting in a sunburn
  • Didn't finish setting up my star projector....will be hopefully finished by tomorrow in time for my new bed
  • Had to decipher 3 whole emails from my 4U English mentor which she wrote entirely in capitals. Why, Ms Ordell, why?!?
  • I sat on my bed the whole day.....
  • I'm stressed about numerous aspects of life. I wish yoga was tonight. I need my instructor Rachel's soothing voice. And the yoga room's scented candles and relaxing music. And middle-aged men failing at doing downward-facing dog
  • Didn't finish If On a Winter's Night a Traveller like I had planned....FML
  • Realised that I have an entire 592 page book for 4U to read before school goes back...yay
Phoebe is currently reading the classic Middlemarch, written in the 1850's. In the book, their way of saying 'shut doooowwnnn' is 'you got screwed in the mouth'. Provided us both with much entertainment. I'm so mature.

Couldn't resist posting this photo....

Also, I'm starting another 30 Day Challenge with different/better questions. I managed to complete the last one sooooo why not do another one? Here it is: