I saw these wonderful pieces of food on Masterchef, where the contestants tried (and failed, although I can't talk being the hopeless cook I am) to make a macaroon tower. This challenge made me have an epiphany.
I LOVE MACAROONS! Not the ones on Masterchef (they were olive flavoured), but chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ones. I never thought I would say this but:
Here is a simple recipe for these heavenly delicacies for non-cooking types like me, who are better at eating the products of cooking than cooking them:
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cups butter
1 cup coconut
1/2 cup milk
3 cups oatmeal
6 tsp cocoa
1. Melt butter and cocoa first (that way its smooth). Add milk and sugar.
2.Bring to boil over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add coconut and oatmeal.
3.Drop by tablespoonfuls onto wax paper and leave to cool.