That's a tough question, but it would most likely be Map of the Problematique by Muse, played live.
So the Santa photos yesterday were of the uber awesome kind. Santa was very friendly and gave me a FREE elf mask's pretty hectic.
I went to the local Christmas carols and they were fun...and the free coffee was quite tasty. Afterwards, on the way home to my friend's house, I found SOMEONE'S iPHONE! I didn't know what to do with it so my friend Ben thought that we should take it back to my friend's house and wait for someone to call it. Someone eventually called it, and they came to my friend's house to pick it up AND GAVE US A $20 REWARD. It was then tough to decide who got the $20- Me, who found it, or Ben who took the initiative to figure out how to get it back to the owners. In the end I got it after a group vote, however had to give it Phoebe anyway because I owe her money for my Muse tour T-shirt.
Today was spent trawling Youtube watching Muse interviews/random videos, and going to Newtown with Mum, where we discovered an AMAZING shop called Yoshi Jones. Next time you're in Newtown you should go there- they have stuff ranging from plastic sushi which you wind up and it runs across the floor, to $400 dresses. Oh, and the shop smells amazing.
I have also spent this weekend watching the entire first season of Skins- I am officially a convert. The realistic acting and story-lines are a step above every other teenage TV show. It's just wow. And Tony, although being a bit on the 'Douche' spectrum, is drool-worthy x 10
1. U2 on Tuesday. Getting there around 12 hours early in order to be at the front of the mosh
2. Beach cricket for Jame's birthday
3. Party at Moore's Reserve
4. Mulga Tree
Here is a photo of where I am going to live when I 'grow up', complete with a little boat. And someone needs to inform me where I can get the pants in the second photo.