Going through an 80s movies phase (again). Even though Andrew McCarthy is old/a dad now, please spend just spend a few moments to appreciate how amazingly, insanely gorgeous is was back in the 1980s. If anyone owns a time machine and is willing to lend it to me, please flick me an email to the address listed on the 'contact me' page. Thanks.
I'll openly admit that I hate dubstep. Now you're probably thinking "UM THEN WHY DID YOU MAKE IT THE TITLE OF THIS POST HUH???!!!". Well, my friend. I made it the title of this post not just to declare my hatred for it. It's because I'm having a dubstep-induced crisis.
1. I was scrolling down my newsfeed and a girl who I'm friends with on FB (one of those people that you can't remember when you became friends with them/who they are) posted a link to Justin Bieber's new single 'As Long As You Love Me'. I clicked play to discover that it's dubstep. Yes. Justin Bieber dubstep. I was about to click cross, thinking to myself 'WOW Justin Bieber has really managed to hit a new low trololol', but then a strange thing happened. I became hooked. I LOVE THE SONG. And it's Justin Bieber dubstep. And I can't stop listening to it. I need an intervention.ASAP.
2. Muse released the trailer for their new album The 2nd Law, and watching the first half of it gave me the chills because of it's awesome Muse-esque anarchic awesomeness. Then it turned into dubstep. NO WONDER I HAVE TRUST ISSUES MUSE. I'm really hoping that Matt Bellamy is trolling and that dubstep isn't on their album, but I guess that if it is on the album I should remember that anything Muse produces is epic in the most epic of epic senses, and thus the said dubstep will be epic.
end of 2016
Yikes, what is the function of this blog anymore? Everything is basically
on my Instagram, but out of habit or a need for tidiness, here's the
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