Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kill me?

Day 19: What was the last movie you saw in the theatres?
Harry Potter 7 Part 1. Please don't get me started on Ron's amazingness.

My assessment week is this week. Modern History is tomorrow, and I'm currently desperately trying to memorise some 'smart' sounding sentences.

To lighten up this otherwise depressing post, I have funny story to tell. My friend's boyfriend just told her that he's gotten a mowhawk and is dying his hair 'hawaiian blue' tomorrow, despite her begging him not too.
This puts my life into perspective. Maybe it isn't so bad.
No, forget that- I have no money for coffee, reinforcing the fact that this week will be pure hell.
I need more icing sugar.....

Taa taaaaaa!

P.S. Stephanie, I want to see your new bracelet.
P.P.S. I can't get over my awesome photography skills.

Cause who doesn't walk into the middle of a forest with their friend, wearing all black, taking photos of themselves swinging their hair?

Wow. You guys are so indie. Kudos.
Now this photo has gotten 'I whip my hair' stuck in my head. HFKJDSHFKJDSHFKJDSSFDJKFHJDKS.

Day 18 : Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
I'm all aloneeee
With noone here beside meeeeeee

- Donkey

That was an intertextual reference from the movie Shrek. Hope the quote answers your question.

Today was spent studying Modern History, eating Milo, suffering from coffee withdrawal symptoms, and wishing I was in these places:

I am now off to try and 'study' once more.
I whip ma hair back and forth
I whip ma hair back and forth
I whip ma hair back and forth....