Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm one of those people who have playlists for each season. Due to the weather's spontaneous decision to throw some coldness into our lives, I thought I would celebrate by posting the first song off my 'Winter' playlist. It's the perfect song to listen to when it's raining outside and you're in your bed drinking tea. Just don't spill your tea.

DAY 13

Day 13: A place that you'd like to move to or visit someday
I know for sure that as soon as I have the money (I.e. when I get a proper job whilst at uni), I'll travel all around Europe. Oh, and South America. I'd love to settle in Manhattan or London someday. I just love the two cities and their different city cultures.

Today I spent the entire day in my bed, except for two trips downstairs. I ate 5 cupcakes and now there are crumbs in the spine of my Legal Studies textbook. Solid effort Chloe.

-HSC Onstage
-State Library
-COFFFFEEEEEE (now that I have money from babysitting!)
-Stressing over having 3 major works
-Crying over the fact that I'm not seeing Phoenix at Good Vibrations
-Stalking my friend Clare's blog. Click here to read it!.