CANNOT CONTAIN MY EMOTIONS!!?!!! Why is everyone criticising it (I'm pointing at you, Phoebe)? UMM IT LOOKS KIND OF FREAKING EPIC?!!! All of the castings are perfect, and I was SO surprised as to how amazing Carey Mulligan is as Daisy! Can. Not. Wait.
On a sadder note, I have some a sad story to tell you about (that was a great sentence). It involves over-due library books and the end of my love for my university's library. Yes. I'm talking about library fines. My relationships with libraries are like marriages. I get the library card (marriage ceremony), and we have the 'honeymoon period' where I skip around in a dreamy haze borrowing books that make me look smart and make a pack with myself that I'll read them. Two months pass and they're sitting in the same spot I dropped them when I got home from the library, and a month after that I get the email telling me that they're overdue. We end bitterly, with me hastily returning the books and running off so I don't have to pay the fine, which in turn means that I can't go the library again at risk of being murdered by a librarian (i.e. divorce). That's my current situation with my local library, and I vowed that for my university's library I would return the books I borrowed for my assignments BEFORE THE DUE DATE. Being me, I didn't. I'm the type of person who only does things when I'm made to, and this is the perfect example. I thought my university library would be like my high school library where you just can't borrow anything until you've returned the overdue book (no fines involved). I was horrifically wrong. A day after my overdue notice for 13 books I borrowed for a couple of assignments, I get an email with the subject 'Library Invoice', stating that I owe $3 for each book (and I had 4 more overdue books that I hadn't returned yet. There goes my love for that library (and the money I was going to buy a Ramones hoodie with...).
That was a long paragraph. I am now off to read The Hunger Games (I'm currently reading it so I can tell my Mum if it's appropriate for my 12 year old brother to read). So far it's OK, but the way she writes is kind of like a year 10 creative. Nevertheless, I was so absorbed in it that I nearly missed my station on the way home, and leaped out of my seat to run out the doors at the last second like an idiot. I bet I looked really cool.
ChlobeWan x
end of 2016
Yikes, what is the function of this blog anymore? Everything is basically
on my Instagram, but out of habit or a need for tidiness, here's the
8 years ago