- Watched The Princess Diaries for the first time in YEEAARRSS. Just as good as I remembered.
- Got SO MUCH work done at the library this morning. I had coffee at a little cafe up the road, then sat outside until the library opened, went inside and to sit down at a table, and didn't move for about 3 1/2 hours. YEAH WHAT OF IT.
- Went shopping and bought an amazing top which was reduced to $2. TWO DOLLARS. TWO. DOLLARS. That's what you get in return for spending lots of time painfully bending your back whilst filing through the bottom racks.
- Had the pork bun of my LIFE
- Got locked outside for a couple of hours, but ended up having a nice bonding session with my dog
- And I am now currently enjoying a perfect cup of tea.
I just came across this aaammaazzinng video. I've now watched it about 10 times.