Basically today I had my advanced english Othello oral- my friend Jem and I had to talk about a certain aspect of the play for 8 WHOLE PAINFUL MINUTES. There were 3 questions we had to prepare for, and when we got inside the markers would choose the one for us to do. Jem and I didn't want to get Question 1. It was doom. We could only talk about it for around 3 minutes. I called it the Question Of Doom. I began to think about what I would do if we walked into the room and got Question 1 (such as making myself faint/vomit/slit my throat).
We got Question 1. Fate/Karma hates me.
I then ran home in preparation for U2 tickets. They were going onsale at 1:00 pm, and at 12:59 my sister Phoebe refreshed the page. It did not load. Alot of gasping and swearing took place. Then it loaded. We got onto the page to buy tickets, and there were mosh tickets still avaliable. Phoebe clicked to buy them, only to find out that we forgot to log in as my Dad. More swearing/gasping/kicking the table took place. We then logged in AND GOT TICKETS! WOOOOOOO!
I am posting the following video to make you jealous that I am going. Sorry.
So there you have it folks, the U2 360 Tour to which I HAVE A TICKET.
Moving on, I am MCLOVING THIS WARM WEATHER (for the millionth time). Beach/Pools:Here I come.

OH OH OH! I want to kidnap Alexa Chung and proceed to steal all of her clothes and place them in my wardrobe. Please don't tell anyone. It's a secret :)

PE.ESS. Even though her life sucks in terms of being followed around by the papparazi 24/7, she's got NOTHING to complain about in relation to guys. Enough said. The guy in that photo is Douglas Booth, who is a British model/actor who I blogged about ages ago before he got famous (he has shot to fame since he landed a movie role in a new movie with Miley Cyrus which is what they're filming here).