adj. mer·ri·er, mer·ri·est
1. Full of high-spirited gaiety; jolly.
2. Marked by or offering fun and gaiety; festive: a merry evening.
3. Archaic Delightful; entertaining.
4. Brisk: a merry pace.
I am currently writing this post in my brand new suede wedges (courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa), for no reason other than the fact that I love them so much that I don't ever plan on taking them off.
This year's Christmas will definitely be described in my journal as one of the best Christmases ever. On the night of Christmas Eve our family watched Elf (this event has turned into a bit of a tradition), I helped my little brother put carrots out for the raindeer, and then left out some beer and cookies for Santa. Fast forward about 6 hours (my brother woke us up at 5.30) and I was skipping downstairs to check out my stocking and the presents under the tree like I was eight years old. Santa was very kind and gave me the perfume I've wanted for ages (Flowerbomb by Viktor and Rolf), two books that I've wanted for a million and one years ('The History of the World in 100 Objects' and 'Molotov's Magic Lantern'), and Ed Sheeran's album, among other things. Chris always gets me random but awesome presents, and this year he bought my Angry Birds slippers-best things since sliced bread. Phoebe realised she accidently threw my present away, and after about an hour of searching through a couple of garbage bins, she presented me with a lovely watch (I may or may not have picked it our for her to get me ;)). Oh, and Mum and Dad bought Phoebe and I a flat screen TV for our loft-heeeellloooooo late night viewings of Friends! What made the morning even better was seeing Mum, Dad and Chris open the presents that Phoebe and I had bought them in America! It really makes me more happy giving than receving presents.
The rest of the day was equally brilliant because we literally saw all of our family that live in Sydney. The morning was spent with my Nan and Pop at their home where we ate delicious ham and mustard on toast, lunch was spent at my Grandma and Grandpa's where we got to catch up with the majority of my extended family (and tease my 16 year old cousin about his love life), and then we finished off the day with my Aunty and Uncle at their home in Newtown=very intense game of Balderdash. Seeing so much of my family reminded me why I love Christmas...because it's a time when everyone comes together and is just...merry. When we were leaving my Nan and Pop's church on Christmas morning (an old fashioned service complete with hymns!), their pastor said something which stuck with me for the rest of the day. He said "I don't want you to have a 'happy' Christmas...I wish you a 'merry' Christmas. Not happy, merry". There is a difference between those two words, and I believe that 'merry' is the perfect word to describe Christmas when you're around people you love.
Today (Boxing Day), I was supposed to go to the Boxing Day sales early, however slept in until 10. I then proceeded to read the rest of Perks of Being a Wallflower. Thoughts about the book? I don't really know what I think about it...it wasn't particularly terrible but it's not that memorable either. I kind of just finished it and didn't really feel anything about it...nothing really made me thing 'OMG. WOW. LIFE CHANGED 4EVS'. That said, it'll make a great movie and I'll definitely be seeing it.
The rest of this week is going to be spent housesitting with Phoebe and Eleni, seeing The Iron Lady, reading Molotov's Magic Lantern, and hopefully going to the beach if and when the weather clears up!
I hope you and your families all had very merry Christmases!
Love, Chloe