"Dear Cheesus, please let me touch Rachel's girl boobies".
I think it was great that the explored the concept of religion, however having the only non-religious member of the Glee club being gay was a tad stereotypical.
Today's mufti-day at school was HALLOWEEN! Last year I came as Sarah Palin (complete with a mask which I kept on most of the day....only at a selective school would one not get bullied for dressing up as a political figure). This year I came wearing a normal, casual outfit, with...wait for it...
You have to see them to believe just how real they look- it genuinely looked as though I got hit by a car or had my legs mauled by dogs. When I was in the canteen with my friend the lady at the register FREAKED OUT like you would not believe and nearly dropped my friend's butter chicken (my friend Jedda loves her butter chicken...no one get in the way of Jedda and her butter chicken).
Enough on blood-stained tights. It dawned on me today, when I was in the library wasting a free period, that this is my last year of my schooling career before pursuing TERTIARY EDUCATION (!!!!!!!!!!). I stopped what I was doing and began to work my ass off, slaving away on my Extension History concept. See! I can have self discipline sometimes (*nervous laugh*)!
I really wanted to write something cheesy/motivational/sad here about how after this year we are all going separate ways and it's all up us to make the most of our lives.....but I thought that this photo appropriately summed up my attitude towards year 12.

But before the HSC IS HARRY POTTER 7 PART ONE! I am so excited and I have subsequently shifted into a very festive mood. My group at school has already begun to carefully plan a Harry Potter party (I'm coming as Ron...sshhhh!, complete with all 6 DVD's, going out to eat Treacle Tarts (Harry's favourite desert), chocolate frogs and SPIDERS! We're cool like that.
I think the photo below may be the best end to a book, ever. If you live in a hole which inside a hole, the sentence below is the line completing the Harry Potter series. I cried when I read it. If you have never read Harry Potter, I suggest you get out of my way before I personally torture you with the Crucio Curse.

If you didn't take my advice and move out of my way, and survived the Crucio curse, I also found this song while procrastinating and it is SO good to just press play to this song when you've had a pretty average day...
P.S. I really love the two photos below. Hope you do too!