my life is complete. I KNOW I always say that after something good happens, but seriously. My life is complete.
SO MY exams are basically over, and the exam period has only been going for 5 days (including last Friday). For next week, I have made a To-Do List. You know how much I love my To-Do Lists.
1. Drama monologue
2. Legal oral
3. Fitness First session (a lame attempt at trying to get fit)
4. Burn all maths textbooks/worksheets/workbooks/anything to do with maths & delete Maths Online Account
5. Clean room
6. Drink coffee
Today was a great day. There are two reasons as to why this day was above-average. Prepare yourself- they are pretty awesome.
1. The gorgeous Russian couple who run the coffee shop I go to every day gave me a free coffee, because I had no money. FREE COFFEE PEOPLE! Who agrees everything tastes better when it's free? Eh? *Awkward silence*.
2. The essay question in the Modern History exam was my practice essay question.
Yeah, you should be jealous. But please, don't go killing any kittens.
Speaking of dead animals, let's discuss Lady Gaga's 'dress' she wore to the Video Music Awards. Incase you haven't seen it, here it is:

WHAT A BLOODY (no pun intended) ATTENTION SEEKING COW (pun intented)
Now I ain't no vegetarian, nor do I criticize people for taking risks in fashion choices (hint Alexander McQueen, who doesn't take risks purely for attention-seeking purposes), but this is obscene. It just shows to what lengths Lady Gaga will go for attention- she's just worried her 15 minutes of fame is about to end (which it is), cause her songs suck (definition of a one hit wonder). It makes me sick that an innocent animal died for no other purpose but attention-seeking. I really hope Lady Gaga fails and becomes a 'has been'. EDFHJSHDFKJSDHKJFS boy does she get on my nerves.
I have now finished by venting for the day. Thankyou for sticking with me and I HOPE YOU AGREE WITH MY ANTI-LADY GAGA arguments :). I want Summer to come already. And money, so I can buy lots and lots of Summery clothes.

Love it. Put it up loud :D