I'll do a mega-post tomorrow (I've spent the last hour since returning from dinner at my Grandma's house collecting photos), but I just had to post the excerpt from an interview below which made me laugh as it is SO TRUE. If only I could hold a pause like Alan Rickman.
“Jon: [Alan Rickman] holds a pause better than any other actor.
Russell: Ah, doesn’t he just!
Jon: There’s a line in Harry Potter where he pauses for about half an hour in the middle of a sentence and just nails it. “People will think you’re……up to something.” Takes him about three hours to say it but you’re excited all the way through.
Russell: It must be a nightmare behind him in Tesco or something like that. “What……will I have?”
Jon: “Do I want……cashback?”
Russell: “Do I have……a Tesco Clubcard?”
Jon: “People will think I’m……buying something.”
P.S. Here's................another HSC motto photo.(GET IT!? I DID A LONG PAUSE LIKE ALAN RICKMAN! But seriously).

P.S. I still love this song even though I have listened to it about a million and one times. Also listen to Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine.