Monday, January 31, 2011


Day 09: What you hope your future is like

I MISS YOU HOLIDAYS. Really, I do. Please retun. If you can't do that, can you please put school on fast-forward for 30 weeks? Kthnxbi.
Yaaaa so forget all that optimistic stuff I said yesterday. Arrived back at school and had pretty much the worst day ever. It was hot, couldn't find one of my school shoes (found it after 45 minutes), didn't have enough money to buy coffee, was ignored, realised how behind I was in Modern, had no tea to drink in the common room, and didn't have a fork for my pasta. I WISH YOGA WAS TONIGHT. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE TOMORROW. WAH.
I'm actually pretty upset right now. I might go to bed. Sleep fixes everything. Especially when your bed is awesome.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Day 08: The moment when you felt most satisfied with your life
I was 14, on an old-fashioned steam train somewhere in NSW  (can't remember where to be honest!). It was just hitting full speed and we were going through a beautiful forest. I stuck my head out the window, with the force of the wind in my hair and on my face, and it was one of those moments where you make a mental note to remember that moment in time. I remember thinking to myself how good life was at that exact moment, and how much I had to look forward to.
 In a way, I kind of hope to always be satifsied with my life. I don't want to ever feel as though I limited my opportunities or messed up my future. I'm hoping that the biggest feeling of satisfaction yet will come when I finish school- that all the effort I'm putting in for this year pays off. That's if I survive doing 3 major works.

I'm more confused than upset that the holidays are's like they were put on fast-forward. I didn't go away at all and it ended up being one of the best summer holidays ever....
I'm not unhappy about returning to school, because unlike the last summer holidays, I've been pretty consistant with my school-work throughout the duration of these holidays, so I'm pretty much on top of things. We'll see how long that lasts.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 7

Day 7: Your zodiac sign and you think if fits your personality
My zodiac sign Pisces. I think that horoscopes are load of crap....except for the one in MX. It always gets it's a tad freaky.

Off Wiki:
A longing for movement and are extremely restless. Pisces is the most watery sign. It is constantly trying to adapt itself to its ever-changing feelings and to the moods and whims of others.
The first part is definitely true! I always need something to do or I drive myself crazy. Don't know about the last part though.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 6

I'm at the library again, and I have extremely exciting news to share with you guys:

I honestly never thought I would finish it. To celebrate, I am now up to page 2 of a Mills&Boon (It's called The Bride of Montefalco), due to the fact that I have unfullfilled desire to read a piece of shitty literature. I also have a few bridal magazines next to me. Don't know why but I find them enjoyable to read. This does not suggest that I want to get married. I just like looking at pretty dresses ok?

DAY 6: 30 interesting facts about yourself
1. I am a terrible sleepwalker. One time Dad had to chase after me down the street....mum even has to write it on camp forms.
2. I have a weakness for Coke Zero and 5 Gum (only the green one)
3. My dog Darcy's full name is Mr. Darcy of Oatley, due to Mum's unhealthy obsession with Pride and Prejudice
4. In my spare time I like to type in on Google Images 'cute puppies' and 'baby animals'. Don't ask. It's a habit.
5. I love flying on aeroplanes and I love plane food.
6. I have a phobia of bridges
7. I was scared of heights until I made myself go on the Tower of Terror at Disneyland
8. I tend to hold grudges as much as I try not too
9. I used to be athletic.....
10.I draw people I don't like on stress balls. Bad habit I know.... but it is the ultimate stress relief. Try it. Or put their face on piece of paper, stick it to a wall, and shoot it with nerf guns
11. When I was 5,  a company contacted Mum asking if my sister and I would fly to Hong Kong once a fortnight where wealthy families would 'hire' us to be flower girls at weddings. Yeah....mum declined...
12.I used to pass out alot. By the 5th time I would just casually say 'yo, guys, I'm blacking out- can someone catch me?'.
13. I'm going to try and stop drinking coffee for a while...let's see how long that lasts
14. I'm overly idealistic
15. I'm an extreme perfectionist
16. I'm now halfway in writing down facts about myself, and have run out of interesting things to say
17. I like to scare myself. Don't know why. I know that I'll freak myself out by watching scary movies but I watch them anyway for the adrenaline
18. I love reading crappy novels that Mum circulates amongst her friends
19. I only do well in subjects that I really love, hence the dropping of maths and science
20. I have trust issues...
21. I always have my phone in my hand, sliding it up and down so it makes a stupid noise that annoys the majority of people
22. I make life-changing decisions in the shower
23. Titanic is my favourite movie
24. All I think about is how much I want to travel Europe, but I don't do anything about it, I.e. getting a job...
25. I hate Eggplant, capsicum, mushrooms and vanilla icecream
26. My birthday is in 26 days
27. My favourite food is slow-cooked country chicken
28. I could live off Oporto. I went to a Japanese restraunt with friends and snuck in Oporto....
29. I don't want to grow old. I don't think anyone does though, thus making this statement not interesting in the slightest.
30. I'm too indecisive. And sarcastic.

Soooooo much love for this song

Oh well in five years time we could be walking round a zoo 
With the sun shining down over me and you 
And there’ll be love in the bodies of the elephants too 
And I’ll put my hands over your eyes, but you’ll peek through

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Max is cool.

I'm at the library and I forgot to pack lunch and money for a train ticket home. Lucky I have Phoebe who paid for KFC and whom I am intending to scab money off inorder to get home. Let's hope she lends me money or it looks like I'm walking home.....
So far today I have done a little bit of 4U, opened my Ext. History file on my laptop then closed it again, read 2 pages of If On A Winter's Night A Traveller (STILL NOT FINISHED) and wrote a drama monologue. I've basically been working on this one monologue for around a month, combining a diverse variety of plays with my own writing. Sounds so sophisticated but I probably won't even end up using it.....let's hope that I do though.

Now onto the questions:
DAY 4: Your views on religion
It's funny that this was yesterday's question as at the beach yesterday my friends and I were actually talking about this. I'm not in the position to tell you what is right and what is wrong, I'm just going to say that you should believe in whatever you want to believe in!

DAY 5: A time when you thought about ending your own life
I was in the mountains in California with my family, and we had all rented snowboards and headed out to the snow. My sister and brother got on the seat infront of me on the chairlift. As my sister and brother's chair was coming in to the top of the mountain, my sister fell off, taking my brother with her. It was so embarrassing I wanted to dig a crater in the earth and have myself buried down the very bottom.

I think that everyone has those moments where you don't feel motivated and don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. However, for me personally, these moments are just temporary and tea and a sleep fixes everything. Obviously I wouldn't know what it's like to feel so terrible that suicide is the only escape- my life has been relatively sheltered and my outlook on life is quite positive. It just makes me so sad there's people who feel as though there is no way out and that no-one wants to help them.

Days 4 &5

So I have to catch up on two days today due to the fact that I didn't have a chance to do yesterday's question. It was Australia Day.....and I was really tired and sore from being in the sun all day so I went to sleep. Hope you all had an awesome day even though it's really just a day where the majority of citizens become over patriotic and racist. Just sayin'.

Today I'm off to the library and I can't update there so I'm going to write the answers up on my laptop and then post them when I get home...sounds like a plan.

P.S. I got a Tumblr. Click here if you can be bothered to check it out. Oh, and ask me questions on the ask thingo on it!

It's not replacing my blog or anything, I just thought I would give it a go. I prefer to write on my blog rather than ambusing you with hipster photos so basically if you want all that creative shizz then head over there after you've read the stuff that I've written here. Sounds complicated but isn't. I'll but the link up the top next to pen-pals so you can just click on it there. I'm just getting started so bear with me!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Before I answer today's question, may I say that:
I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED THAT JESSICA WATSON WON YOUNG AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR. That is revolting. What the hell does she stand for apart from the fact that if you have money and ignore warnings from your parents and society, you can do anything? It makes me so angry that she has become a role model. Hey, I'll admit that sailing around the world alone is brave, but so is running infront of a line of machine guns. Bravery does not equal role-model material. Want to know who in my opinion should have won? It should have been awarded to Jordan Rice who sacrificed his life for his brother in the floods. He represents far more courage than Jessica Watson, whose eyeballs are dollar signs....she's pathetic and makes me want to vomit.
Here are my parents' opinions on the subject after I ranted to them at the dinner table
Dad: Awarding Jessica Watson as Young Australian of the Year was an irresponsible decision due to the fact that she was obviously financially motivated.
Mum: I think that she perfectly summarizes your generation- always thinking about themselves.

Day 3: Your views on drugs and alcohol.
I'm not really a fan of drugs. I don't really like what it does to people. But it's not up to me to tell people what to do. I'm abit too high on life to need drugs anyway....I'm crazy enough with out them.

Today I:
1. Woke up in my huge new bed. It was like that scene in What A Girl Wants where she wakes up in that huge suite at her dad's mansion. If you haven't seen that movie let's just say that she wakes up and there is a HUGE grin on her face.
2. Caught the train to Central and saw the couple at my coffee place (where I go every morning before school) and she yelled out 'OH BABY I'VE MISSED YOU!'. We had a nice chat and she put a lucky charm in my coffee which she said was 'for boys'. Thanks coffee lady? (After 2 years I'm too scared to ask for her name so she shall remain being called 'Coffee Lady')
3. Got lost in Surrey Hills and had to buy credit to call friends in order to get directions. Already have run out of credit again.
4. Arrived at Belvoir St. Theatre to discover that we weren't watching a play but rather sitting in an office watching 2 plays on video. I managed to escape with Kate after 4 hours
5. Wandered around the city and bought a top, Sass&Bide bra and........
I saw it on a rack and fell in love. I tried it on, left the store, went back after an hour, tried it on again, called Mum while wearing it, went to ask if they do laybuy for that dress to find that they don't, asked if they could hold it for 2 days (they couldn't), called Mum again, Mum got Grandma to call me, I handed my phone to the sales assistant AND GRANDMA PAYED FOR IT WITH HER VISA. My life is complete. Now I don't have to worry about finding a dress. Go me.
-Black (I know alot of people wear black, but it's because it looks the best.....)
-Just above the knee
-Balero thing up the top
Although it's actually a really simple dress, it's quite hard to explain. Just take my word when I say that it's gorgeous.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I know I've posted it 1903444000007698 times....

P.S. I hate the following:
1. When I'm at the station and it's really hot
2. Not having coffee
3. Not having any motivation for Ext. History
4. Not finishing If On A Winters Night A Traveller on the train to Wollongong
5. Expectations and unnecessary pressure
6. School work
7. Nutella being nearly $5 at the corner store (just for the smallest tub)
8.My star projector lamp not being finished yet
9. School going back in a week
10. Life going too a tad too fast. Don't worry, I'm not going emo on you. It's just that I'm overtired and abit stressed out at the mo. Bear with me. It's what doing 3 major works for the HSC does to you.

Good night my minions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 2/30

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years
I'm going to interpret this as not just in terms of location but life in general.
10 years from now I will be turning 27 in less than a month. Ideally, by that age, I would like to be in a long term relationship (not married), no kids (I'll have two at the most once my career is steady...if it ever is......), and be  living in an apartment overseas. It's not that I hate Australia and want to leave as soon as I can, it's just that I want to see the world while I'm young and gain independence. Job-wise, I would hope that by then I would have a full time job as a solicitor....and succeeding....that would be nice....due to my career aim being to be partner at a firm by the age of 30 (once I'm a partner I'll consider kids....even though babies gross me out a little). I know it sounds a tad Utopian but anything is possible if you put your mind to it...except stapling jelly to a tree.
And becoming a guy. But even that's possible nowadays.

I'm never getting married. If I ever do, you can print out this post and shove it in my face, laughing. But seriously. You're probably thinking that I'm just trying to be unorthodox, but it's just that when you're not married and you're with someone, you are together because you both genuinely want to be together, not because some marriage certificate has bound you together and divorce is such a hassle. You don't need a marriage certificate to be in love......sounds cheesy but it's totally legit. A Tiffany and Co engagement would look nice on my finger....I'd agree to being engaged forever? I wouldn't mind that.

I am now off to the train station to catch a train to Wollongong. Hopefully I will finish If On A Winters Night A Traveller. If I don't, then I'm going to cry and throw a tantrum like my little brother when he isn't allowed to go fishing. Seriously. It's TAKEN ME SO LONG. NJFKDSNFJKDSNF.
Tomorrow I'm going to go all deep and meaningful on you. Be prepared. 

Day 1/30

DAY 01: Your current relationship; if single discuss how single life is:
I answered this question in the last 30 Day Challenge...but if you're really that interested:
 My current relationship is with.......
My 4U English major work, Frankie.
We're really happy together, and I know it's going to be long-term which is what I was looking for. We've become really tight over these holidays, and he's great to snuggle up to when I'm feeling lost about life and need a release. We've had our ups and downs but I know this is going to last.
I'm kind of confused at the moment if you haven't noticed...

Today was not of the good sort. Want to know why? Please see below!
  • I walked through the biggest spiderweb in the history of life whilst walking my dogs
  • I got locked outside and fell asleep on the trampoline resulting in a sunburn
  • Didn't finish setting up my star projector....will be hopefully finished by tomorrow in time for my new bed
  • Had to decipher 3 whole emails from my 4U English mentor which she wrote entirely in capitals. Why, Ms Ordell, why?!?
  • I sat on my bed the whole day.....
  • I'm stressed about numerous aspects of life. I wish yoga was tonight. I need my instructor Rachel's soothing voice. And the yoga room's scented candles and relaxing music. And middle-aged men failing at doing downward-facing dog
  • Didn't finish If On a Winter's Night a Traveller like I had planned....FML
  • Realised that I have an entire 592 page book for 4U to read before school goes back...yay
Phoebe is currently reading the classic Middlemarch, written in the 1850's. In the book, their way of saying 'shut doooowwnnn' is 'you got screwed in the mouth'. Provided us both with much entertainment. I'm so mature.

Couldn't resist posting this photo....

Also, I'm starting another 30 Day Challenge with different/better questions. I managed to complete the last one sooooo why not do another one? Here it is:

Saturday, January 22, 2011


The important news is that:

Tonight I'm going to do what I previously stated and have a shower with the lights off and the lamp on. It's going to be awesome.
Then tomorrow night, I am going to turn it on in my big new bed which is arriving in less than 24 hours. Mum got me coffee-coloured linen, cause, you know, I love coffee.

Monday: Lie in new bed all day with projector lamp on whilst eating Nutella.Oh, and maybe do some school work too.. UPDATE: Just remembered I'm going to Wollongong! wooooot!
Tuesday: Belvoir St Theatre, monologue hunting (episode 2.0), yoga at night (I've been a tad slack in terms of attendance recently).
Wednesday: AUSTRALIA DAY! Bundeena then Cronulla for ze fireeeeeeworks. I'm going to sing to the fireworks 'baby you're a firrrrrre worrrkkk', cause it's funny cause.....they sounded funnier in my head...
Thursday onwards: Haven't planned that far ahead......probably something epic to finish off the holidays

Today I am going to watch Gilmore Girls then go canoeing. Yes, me canoeing. Laugh all you want. I know I am uncoordinated but I know I can go this....cough.
p.s. MAJOR, MAJOR LOLZZ @ THE US SKINS FAILING. Already it's being investigated for child pornography. Only in America.
p.p.s.This may or may not be the fugliest dress I've ever seen. She was so pretty in Easy A. WHAT HAPPENED.....hehe

p.p.p.s. I forgot how scary Jennifer's Body is..................yeah....her smile....not cool Jen, not cool.
p.p.p.p.s. If only my To-Do List looked like the one below. You should see my list right now- it's pretty crazy but I'm slowly ticking things off. It's called CHLOE'S TO DO LIST- THE 'KIND OF FML EDITION BUT HEADING MORE TOWARDS MLIA'  

Friday, January 21, 2011


12 Things Chloe has learnt in recent times:

1) It is possible for me to tan!
2)The Good Wife is a good show
3)Oprah is awesome...(well her Auzzie shows are)
4)Facing your schoolwork is less scary than thinking about facing it.....
5)I have a problem of neglecting my Ext. History and Drama major works due to the fact that I now love 4 Unit English and want to do it all of the time....
6)I tend to talk about my 4U English to people all of the time....whether they like it or not
7)Eating a tub of Nutella will not do anything other than make me sick...however this .isn't going to stop me from eating more in the future...
8)My big new bed is arriving on Monday
9) Karaoke on Elizabeth St has Muse...
10)I need to stop replying ''Your Mum" to everything
11) Coke Zero tastes better than normal Coke
12) My birthday is in a little over a MONTH

I had to post the text below due to the fact that is freaks me out because I ALWAYS think about this when I'm sitting on the train. There are so people who I am never going to meet in my lifetime.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WOW....3 posts in one day...

When I was 10, this songs was the coolest thing EVER. Just listened to it for the first time in 6 years. Pure shit.

Such deep and meaningful lyrics:
You've been fired from hurtin me
It's time you go find another job (yeah)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination

This is JK Rowling's speech that she gave at Harvard in 2008. I've posted the link to it (it's not that long though), purely due to the fact that I found so motivating/inspiring. It's the perfect thing to hear before beginning year 12. I hope it has the same effect on you that it had on me.
Click here to read it.

Here is my favourite part:

The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned.


So, um, yeah....sorry I haven't posted since Sunday. This post is thanks to Eleni popping up on Facebook chat saying UPDATE.

I honestly can not believe that we're all heading back to school in less than two weeks. Usually the Christmas holidays come to point where I get bored. That hasn't occurred yet this time round. It's funny though because these are the first holidays where my family hasn't actually gone away, and rather than travelling alot I've been staying fairly local. I've been dog sitting the dogs across the road (raking in the $$), and it's a pretty awesome house. The owners said that I can use their pool and gym so I've been having friends over there (with the owners' permission...of course...).

Throughout the duration of these holidays I have had my fair few meltdowns regarding my 3 major works.
4 UNIT ENGLISH: Was so motivated towards the end of the term and now I'm lost. I sent a frantic email to my mentor so things are looking up....but's a 4000-6000 word essay amongst all the other things on my plate.
EXT. HISTORY: My debate is so complicated even I can't understand it anymore. I've written 1500 words but I don't really know where I'm going with it.

DRAMA: I have 3 monologues, one which I really like but isn't long enough. I need to get off my ass and look around for more.

Tonight I am off for karaoke in the city. Time to show off my ....awesome....singstar skills.  
P.S. I WANT THESE SHOES. If only I could shrink a little bit so I could wear them without looking like a giant.....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quote of 2011 (so far):
Phoebe: Do submarines actually go underwater? 

Being the incredibly lazy person I am, I didn't end up going to the rally yesterday (that should have been expected). It ended up being a pretty fun day despite me ditching the rally, so I guess I don't have to feel too bad as there is also another rally on the 6th of February.
Today I:
I am now going to celebrate by going to Edmunds and Greer.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge

For breakfast I had two chocolate truffles, two chocolate macaroons and a large coffee.
Currently waiting for the heart attack.

If I do survive this day of binge eating, IT'S THE WIKI LEAKS RALLY TOMORROW.



Reading about his death on the front of the Sydney Morning Herald moved me. I would like to think that I would be couragous enough to sacrifice my life for someone I the age of 13 I don't know if I would have been prepared to do that- an act of bravery such as that at such a young age is so unique. It's people like Jordan who deserve the title of a hero- it makes me so angry that people like Jessica Watson and other 'sporting figures' have somehow falsely redefined what heros are.
Jordan's life was taken from him in such a tragic way and at such a young age. However, I'm sure that his bother, father and extended family are proud of his sacrifice, along with the rest of the nation. If only there were more people like Jordan in the world. Such a brave young boy.

The world is a dark place, but it has to be a dark place to see the stars.

RIP little man.

I'm going through a Phoenix phase....

It's good to listen to music other than Muse right? Right!?
But seriously I love Phoenix and their cute French accents.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I love this version of 1901.
My little brother thought that Phoenix was a female singer.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

:( :(

My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected by the floods.
Mum is planning to organise a charity dinner to raise money for relief so I'll tell you about it if any plans are made.


When it arrives I'm never turning it off.....
THANKYOU TO CAROL who kindly found it on the internet for me. And on that particular website it's 50% off shipping for 2 days! Good timing!
I think that I'm going to plug it in in the bathroom, turn the lights off and have a shower. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL CAUSE IT WOULD BE LIKE RAIN. Get my drift? No? Don't worry, the idea sounds better in my head.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Break from Muse- Day One

I accidently slipped on the keyboard and ended up on the Knights of Cydonia video clip....silly keyboard.
This song is really chill/cute.

Yeah so I really really want that top....and shorts...and shoes.

So I went to Edmunds and Greer with Phoebe, Rachel and Eleni. Here's how the conversation with the lady who owns it went after she walked up to our table to take our orders:
"Large skinny capp with one sugar?"
"Of course!"
"So you're not trying anything new for 2011?"
"And are you having scones?"

I should do Edmunds and Greer for my belonging related text. They even know what food I order.

I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND ONE OF THESE LAMPS. Grrrrrrr. If anyone finds one, tell me where and how much!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Will flash before my eyes
So scattered and lost
I want to touch the other side 

And no one
Thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see
That when we bleed we bleed the same?


I'm going to have a break from Muse for a while, to try and listen to some me ok! This will be a very difficult, dark time of my life. I'll need lots of moral support.

Today I'm attempting to write and finish a belonging story which isn't a piece of shit, so it's going to be a long day. Oh oh OOHHH and Edmunds and Greer reopens today (I honestly don't know how I survived without it). I'm meeting Eleni there at 3.00pm to get my usual Large Skinny Capp and two macaroons.
Hope you all are enjoying the rain...unless it's actually sunny where you are and there's just a rain cloud following me on top of my head.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Review of Sydney Festival: Whether it is good or not is based on the people you go with. Although the music wasn't that great, I had fun people to spend it with so overall it was a good night. Before we went to the festival some of us met at Wagaya, a Japanese restaurant near the Entertainment Centre. I got Oporto and snuck it in (.......I like Oporto ok?) however all the meals which my friends ordered (on a touch screen) looked pretty amazing.

This morning I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep, resorting to my belonging creative. Today I'm going to finish my Modern notes....but will most probably end up drinking iced tea and watching Youtube videos of Glastonbury Festival.

I've decided that the song below is near the top of 'Chloe's Favourite Songs List'. The music and the lyrics = DRROOOOOOOOL

Friday, January 7, 2011


Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore
-Lady Gaga

Who said we can't have both?
*insert that Mexican song from the ad where the little girl says 'Why can't we have both!'*

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I love Josh Groban

He can even make Kayne West's Tweets sound good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lurve and oda dwuuuuggs

I saw Love and other Drugs yesterday. My review: I want a boyfriend like Jake Gyllenhaal. KTHNXBI.
No, seriously, it was a pretty good movie for a rom-com. It was pretty explicit (if you get my subtle drift....) but the ending was actually pretty sad. Anne Hathaway is an amazing actress. Her and Gyllenhaal make a pretty good-looking pair.

On the front of the Sydney Morning Herald today was the photograph below. It was going to be featured in a charity exhibition at the Sydney Children's Hospital, but has been removed due to 'nudity'. It's such an amazing photograph and I think that a quote by Tamara Winikoff summarizes my opinion: "In our zeal to protect children we are erasing them entirely". The entire exhibition has collapsed after hospital officials saw this photo, costing the hospital an estimated $200 000. What ever happened to art?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Boys are so confusing

So far today I've played Wii with the Mother (nearly up to world 2 in Super Mario Bros- we make a good team because neither of us know what we're doing), drank tea and coffee, made a smore, read and noted Bernhard Schlink's Guilt about the Past, watched birds on my balcony, and am off to see Love and Other Drugs. I always buy a child ticked being the cheapo teenager I am, however today I realised that at the movie today I HAVE TO BUY A STUDENT ONE INSTEAD BECAUSE IT'S MA. Great. There goes my lunch money.

Coming up this week: Study sessions, meeting up with friends, party, more study, waiting for my sunburn to fade.

This picture made me rofl.
The photo below SPEAKS THE TRUTH, even though it is kind of maths related. Maths = ew. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

For those who care:

2010: In the Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? In a friend's lounge room- city plans usual! 
Who were you with? Family friends...oldest 'child' there but was still pretty fun.
 Did you kiss anyone at midnight? An 8 week old Labradoodle puppy....
Did you make any resolutions? 98.5 BABY!

2010: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? Your mum?
Did you get anything for Valentine’s day? Yepp :p
Did you meet anyone special? As a matter of fact I did!
Did you fall in love? Nope...unless you count coffee and Muse?

2010: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? OF COURSE
Did any of your friendships end? Yeah :( With your mum. It was really sad :(
Did you dislike anyone? Naturally
Did you make any new enemies? If so I'm not really aware! 
Did you resolve any fights? I would like to think so...
Who was your closest friend? I can't really choose one, sorry! 
Who did you grow apart from? A few people actually
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Nope :)

2010: Your BIRTHDAY
Did you have a cake? It's me that you're talking about. As if I of all people wouldn't have a cake. 
What did you do for your birthday? I just had a dinner with my family which was nice :)
Did you have a party? is a given that you can't enjoy your own party!
Did you get any presents? Yes :)
If so what was the best thing you got? Tiffany and Co bracelet

2010: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? Mmmhm. 
Did you dye your hair? Yes! Brown
Did you get your hair cut? Who didn't?
Did you change your style? I didn't exactly change it, I rather established my style and worked out what I like and don't like
Were you in school? Yes silly!
Did you get good grades? In the subjects which I liked....i.e. not maths or science
Did you have a job? Babysitting? I now have 3 regular families :) Yippeeee!
Do you drive? Nope...I should get my L's now I think about it
Did you own a car? Family does! Wait, Dad smashed it into a pole...
Did anyone close to you give birth? Nopeskies
Did you move at all? Nope
Did you go on any vacations? Yes! Melbourne, Broulee x 4, Dubbo
Would you change anything about yourself now? I want to be more organised and motivated towards my studies...yeah stop laughing at me, I'm serious!

2010: Wrap Up.
Is 2010 a good year? Yeah, now I think about it it was pretty awesome. Definitely one of the better years
Did 2010 bring any new insights? Yes it did. Lots.
Do you think 2011 will top 2010? I think that it could potentially be the best year ever.